Adding to your family is one of the most exciting days of your life, and the Labor & Delivery Staff at Magnolia Regional Medical Center is happy to share in those memories with you.  Our enhanced accommodations provide for the utmost in care and comfort for Mom and the rest of the family.

Each of our private rooms provides a home-like atmosphere for mom and baby.  The spacious design allows for mom to labor, deliver and remain in the same room throughout her stay.  After delivery, new babies are allowed to stay with mom as much as possible.  Our rooms also provide a place for a guest to comfortably remain with mom throughout her stay.

Should your delivery day require a Caesarian delivery, a dedicated surgical suite is located within the labor and delivery department to ensure the same high level of care for mom and baby.

At Magnolia Regional Medical Center, safety is also a top priority.  The Labor & Delivery Department is equipped with a first-of-its-kind infant abduction system.  This system allows the nursing staff to track your baby at all times and ensure that your newest addition is protected throughout the hospital stay.

We invite you to visit the MRMC Labor & Delivery Department to learn even more about the great features that make us the premier women's facility in South Arkansas.

For tours and more information, contact:
Adriane Delaney RN
LDRP Director